High End Industrial Photo Retouching

World renowned companies using images retouched by A1Retouching

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Industrial Photo Retouching (Examples):  The following images I selected as an example of industrial photo retouching for the Fraunhofer Science Institute and Böwe Systec to be used in their respective company calendars of 2006 & 2007.

Some of the images shown on this page may or may not be copyrighted.

Examples of Industrial Photo Retouching

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Images retouched by A1Retouching were also used in publications of the German version of the Max Planck Foundation monthly magazine.

MaxPlanck Foundation - Magazines

The Max Planck Foundation
Illustrations, graphs, and images used in publications of many Max-Planck-Forschung magazines again required the knowledge of all Adobe Photoshop tools and how to use them in the correct order. Certain tips & tricks (that you won't find online) were used to convert bright and colorful images from RGB color spectrum  to stunning images using the print colors CMYK.
I can not remember a time when the customer was not happy with the retouched results. Hardly ever where adjustments requested.

Information to a few of the calendar pictures from above

Fraunhofer Calendars:
As always, picture quality was required to be of the highest standards. Requirements were in particular to make sure all colors are accurate and the specific details in each picture are reflected accurately.

Image 2006 - 10:
Important here was for the bright circle to have the correct detail, color, and contrast.
Shown in this picture - Fiber Lasers
Image 2007 - 07:
For the customer it was very important to exactly show the detail and structure of the low-weight foam metal.
Shown in this picture - Low-Weight Foam Metal
Image 2006 - 08:
Particular importance in this picture was the color. It needed to have the exact hue of the environmentally friendly powder coating.
Shown in this picture - Powder Coating
Image 2007 - 12:
Requirements here were similar as in 2006-10. Detail of the area inside the metal ring as well as color of all objects.
Shown in this picture - Laser polishing Metal Surfaces

Böwe Systec Calendar:
This project offered quite different challenges than the Fraunhofer Calendar. Adding the company logo to various pictures while maintaining the picture's realism as well as it's overall integrity - a very welcome challenge!

Image 2007 - 01:
What you don't see is that the curtains, vases, drapes, are all different in each of the windows that make up the Böwe logo. My focus here was to make sure that the viewer would not notice any repeating imagery in the windows.
Image 2007 - 03:
The sky was replaced here.
Image 2006 - 04:
The child drawing here actually drew the orange figures in the original picture. To make room for the logo, the figures were reduced in size and moved to the right. Detail of the blue lines match the other chalk drawings.
Image 2007 - 06:
The heart with the logo replaced actual carvings in this image.
Image 2007 - 09:
When looking at this picture on the screen each oat plant of the logo was actually visible. This one required quite some imagination & knowledge of the tools in Adobe Photoshop.
Image 2007 - 10:
The source image of the pumpkin was not carved. I used the 3D tool on a tennis ball to transform the logo in the correct shape before applying the effects.