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High End Portrait & Model Retouching

A1Retouching offers world class high end retouching of head shots, portraits, models. If taken by a professional photo studio or an amateur photographer, I will give your pictures the final touch they need.

Enjoy experienced, reliable, professional and high quality retouching — in the United States but also world wide.

Overflow on children's school portraits? No problem, confidential and discrete work is guaranteed!
Frequency Separation is only part of my skilled portrait- & skin-retouching repertoire.
Use the left/right slider on following samples of world class portrait- & model retouching to see the proven quality of high end portrait & model retouching.

Original, unretouched female model
Modified, retouched female model

The following portrait retouching techniques are only some of the skills I offer

Skin Smoothing - Skin smoothing techniques prefected to give truly natural results. I use improved & enhanced "Frequency Separation" methods that keep the natural ocurring skin intact while giving your image beauty magazine cover quality.

Removing Wrinkles - Removing wrinkles is as easy as 1-2-3 with A1Retouching on your side. Your portrait will look years younger! Removing wrinkles completely or just smoothing them out a little, let me know when you're happy.

Removing Blemishes - You dislike certain imperfections on your skin like sunburn, pimples, stretch marks, or even freckles and scars. They can ruin an otherwise brilliant photo. A1Retouching will remove unsightly mark and let your true beauty show.

Natural Reshaping - Face too wide? Nose too long? Body overall could use some slimming? While not distorting the aesthetics visually too much miracles actually do happen. A1Retouching can help with that.

3D Relighting - Even studio lighting can be applied to your portraits and face shots. Correcting of unflattering shadows, adding dimension & more. I will adjust the lighting on the digital picture if you're not happy.

Teeth Whitening - Coffee and tea stains ruining the teeth in your photos? Without asking your dentist for help or using whitening strips, I will give your teeth their natural white for truly shining pictures.

Remover Red-Eye - Glowing red eyes and that after you had the perfect pose and everything made your shot the best... What to do? A1Retouching removes red eye glow and can even add absolutely real looking reflections of almost any kind!

Other requests? - Please do not hesitate to ask me! The mentioned example represent only part of the many tools and portrait retouching tools at my disposal. Let me know your wishes and requests. Discretion & professionalism are included.

Original, professional female photo model
Modified, professional female photo model

Professional female photo model retouching

Selecting the [close-up images] button below will let you see the following details about this very classy female photo model:

  • Zipper - The metal zipper was slightly visible in the original unedited version. To make the retouched picture seem even more professional, this little detail has been corrected.
  • Reflection - The picture was taken with the model in front of a solid gray photo backdrop while standing on a reflective surface possibly an acrylic sheet. Unfortunately that cuts off the reflection. This was fixed, the edges of the acrylic sheet removed and the reflection fixed.
  • Face - By using various professional portrait retouching techniques like for example frequency separation the face became worthy of being put on the cover of a glamour model magazine. Smoothing wrinkles, cleaning up and removing blemishes and other skin imperfections even wiping lipstick from some of the teeth were further skin retouching methods used here.
  • Fingernails - Another minor detail that was not missed were the fingernails. Possibly slightly grown out, they were extended to where they would be placed - close to the edge of the cuticle.
  • Chest - The scar around the partially visible breast was removed while at the same time making the shape more natural but also giving it an improved aesthetic appearance. 
Original, unretouched male model
Modified, retouched male model

Professional male model

Professional, high end skin retouching.
Model: Peter D. Singh Jr. (link to website)
Photographer: Vanessa Bartlett (link to website)

Original, unretouched skin closeup
Modified, retouched skin closeup

High End skin retouching - detail

Original, unretouched female model
Modified, retouched female model

Female model, portrait retouching

Original, unretouched professional male model
Modified, retouched professional male model

Professional male model

Professional, high end skin retouching.
Model: Obi Won (link to website)
Photographer: (link to website)

Original, unretouched female model
Modified, retouched female model

Female model, portrait retouching

Original, unretouched female model
Modified, retouched female model

Female model, portrait retouching

Original, unretouched female model
Modified, retouched female model

Female model, portrait retouching